Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Our Hindsight

How are we be able to spot soft (unwise) choices in life, especially those seemingly wise choices but when evaluated somehow had lead to a bigger problems or troubles in life?

Perhaps, the best way to spot on those soft choices are to constantly evaluate the result of our daily choices, hence, hindsight. Once spotted at its infant stage, the question of what can we learn from it, though important, is useless if we don't do something about it. God's insight and vision is way farther than any creature on earth as He is omniscient, Our insight and vision is way limited, we cannot see what lies ahead of us and though God has a vision and a promise of a good future, it requires a cooperation from us. His promise will not be realise alone, we have to do our part. He also will not intervene on our daily choices, soft or wise, just to help us reach what He has envision for us. But, He did gave us "Hindsight"- that is the understanding of a situation or event only after it has happened or developed.

Perhaps through our Hindsight, God is communicating to us. Like, whenever we understood and learn from a bad situation only after it happen, God, actually had communicated to us and made us realise something that will straighten our path towards what He had envisioned for us. Failure to see our hindsight hence, doing the same thing over and over again yet expecting different result could possibly mean, we are not listening to what God is trying to tell us.


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